Inside My Brain
My Brain, My Treacherous Companion
Oh, the agony! How my soul yearns to share the tales that dance within the depths of my mind!
The act of allowing things to be as they are without trying to change them.
Inside My Brain
Oh, the agony! How my soul yearns to share the tales that dance within the depths of my mind!
Member-Only Posts
This is not the blog post I wanted to share today but it's the one I needed to read. Maybe you need to read it, too.
Because here's the thing: The very idea of perfection implies that there is only ONE right way to be or act.
There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know keep my blog posts under 3 million words.
Guest Posts
Artist and Small Business Owner Sam Kearney opens up about what it feels like to mask their true personality.
Inside My Brain
After a lifetime of beating myself up for not being like everyone else, I am actively working on changing the stories I tell myself.
Let's talk about negative self-image and critical self-talk.