What I Should Be Doing VS What I'm Actually Doing: A Memoir
Remember the other day when I shared this tweet:
May you intend to do one thing & in doing so, spot another thing & so discard the 1st thing whilst executing the latter. But whilst doing so you spot another thing & so it shall continue ad infinitum. Or it may as well be ad infinitum, for you have no concept of time. ADHD curse.
— Pip Pip Hooray! (@pip_pip_hooray) February 9, 2022
Victoria Duncan and Pip Pip Hooray! on Twitter
Welcome to the theme of this blog post.
Here Are The Things I Planned To Do This Week:
- Redesign my website.
- Update the products in my shop.
- Research tools to make blogging easier.
- Send 2021 info to my accountant.
- Write blog posts on more serious topics.
- Watch the replays for the 800 webinars I signed up for and didn’t attend.
- Order more stickers so when people buy them I don’t have to be like, “Whoops. Sorry. I’ll send those out in three years because I don’t actually have them in stock since I spent time writing a blog post about procrastinating rather than ordering any more sticker inventory.”
Here’s What I’m Doing Instead:
- Writing this blog post.
- Accepting the reality that this is just how my brain works.
- Embracing imperfection.
- Making a wish list for my birthday.
- Sharing that list with you because 1) I’m procrastinating and 2) around this time each year, my friends and family ask me what I want for my birthday and my mind goes completely blank. This list is for them. And for you if you’re procrastinating, too.
Here are some things I want:
These Prints by Jota de jai
Maddies Mood Art Print / Pandemic Mood 4 Art Print / Waterhands Art Print by Jota de jai
A Gift Card To Malaprops Bookstore
All The Candles From Sunday Candle Company
Their candles smell amazing and I’d like 300 of them.
A High Five Coffee Shop Gift Card
Gimme all the iced decaf cubanos please.
This TriggerPoint Grid 2.0 Foam Roller in Pink
Somebody please get me this foam roller before I steal it from my gym.
Bombas Running Quarter Sock 3-Pack in Violet-Blue Mix
Is 35 is the age when I declare my love for a specific sock brand? Because it’s Bombas. Now and forever more.
The end.
As always, thank you for reading!