Member-Only Posts
Finding “The One”: My Experience Going to Therapy
7 Things I've Learned From 7 Years of Therapy
Writer, Storyteller, Creator, Chronic Oversharer, Imposter (Syndrome)
Member-Only Posts
7 Things I've Learned From 7 Years of Therapy
Member-Only Posts
A brief look inside my mind and what it's like to have OCD and PTSD.
I jumped at the chance to try out Calm Strips for my anxiety and ADHD. Here are my thoughts!
Member-Only Posts
The car camping excursion that wasn't and how I did all the things my OCD told me I couldn't possibly do.
One of my favorite tools to stay organized and productive with ADHD.
Public Posts
My experience of receiving an ADHD diagnosis at 33 years old.
Tools and Resources
Eight books about mental health, grief and loss, diet culture, and social justice issues.
Public Posts
My experience of receiving an OCD diagnosis at 31 years old.
Member-Only Posts
2020 Rosey Rebecca relaunch! Read about my intentions and focus and why and how I changed it up.
Inside My Brain
In 2018, I was feeling overwhelmed and blah. My friend encouraged me to write about it and call it a BLAHG Post. So, I did.
Member-Only Posts
Year-end reflections on lessons learned and carried.
Member-Only Posts
BLAHG post about self-doubt and imposter syndrome and not believing everything you think.